Though not all non aggressive fish are suitable to dwell with goldfish choosing the right species will help you create a harmonious aquatic community.
Comet goldfish tank mates.
This is the best practice for ensuring compatibility with all tank mates.
Matt on may 24 2016.
I tried white cloud mountain minnows and my black moors ate every single one over a few months.
Snails are a superior alternative to algae eating fish like plecos.
The size also depends on the goldfish type as the comet for example will need 50 gallons.
They come in all colors shapes and sizes for you to choose from.
If you really want to mix in other fish your choices are limited but we ve provided the species most compatible with fancy.
I have kept weather loaches apple snails with fancy goldfish with great successs.
This creates a challenge for goldfish keepers when they decide to add new fish to their.
I have a 90 litre tank and 1 comet goldfish and i was thinking of getting a school of rosy barbs 5 would that be okay.
Because you ll want all of your fish to be healthy and happy it s important to choose tank mates that like similar tank conditions.
For instance some fish like warm water others like cold water some like saltwater others don t.
Now you have some suggestions and know what makes a good and a bad tank mate for a goldfish hopefully you can find the perfect companions for your little friends.
While other goldfish perhaps make the best tank mates there are still plenty of other cold water and subtropical fish you can keep with gold fish in a community aquarium.
Most goldfish enthusiasts prefer to keep a dedicated goldfish tank.
Goldfish if you ask anyone experienced in the hobby what s the best fish to keep with goldfish they will invariably tell you other goldfish.
Every goldfish needs at least 20 gallons in part because they produce a lot of waste.
Choosing tank mates for goldfish.
Goldfish carassius auratus have been domesticated for over 2000 years and are probably one of the most diverse aquatic animals in the world there are more than 200 distinct types of goldfish and they can have dramatically different appearances and care requirements.
Because of their unique requirements cool water high oxygenation and massive tank size they tend to usually only be kept with others of their species.
Goldfish are often chosen by aquarium enthusiasts who want to keep a school of fish.
An aquarium full of orandas and fancy goldfish is beautiful and appealing.
Because they are peaceful goldfish tank mates you don t have to worry about them hurting your fish but you still get the benefits of algae removal.
However not all fish will make the best goldfish tank mates.
However you must select goldfish tank mates carefully to avoid potential problems.